Antepartum Care
Non-medical support for high risk mothers on bed rest or with limited activity
Postpartum Care
In home non-medical support of mom and her family after birth
Breastfeeding Support
Breastfeeding support included with postpartum services. As a Breastfeeding Counselor I cannot give medical advice or treatment.
Infant Massage Education
Newborn Consultation
Homecoming Package
Telephone Consultation
Telephone consultation for information regarding basic newborn care, breast and bottle-feeding. It will be up to my discretion whether your problem can be addressed by phone or a home visit is necessary. Please complete the Consent Form below and email it back to me.
Fee: $50 for up to one hour payable by PayPal or check
Non-medical support for high risk mothers on bed rest or with limited activity
- Services include meal preparation, light housework, create a peaceful home environment, errands, help with sibling care, setting up nursery, and emotional support to help ease fears and concerns.
Postpartum Care
In home non-medical support of mom and her family after birth
- Services include baby care skills - feeding, diapering, bathing, soothing, breastfeeding and bottle feeding education as well as pump usage and milk storage, sibling care, involvement of dads/partners, screening of telephone calls and visits, accompany mom and baby to doctor appointments, meal preparation, light housekeeping, organize nursery, run errands, specialized care for multiple babies, support for moms suffering from postpartum depression and anxiety, sleep training, providing community resources and referrals as necessary.
Breastfeeding Support
- Services include education of normal infant behavior and benefits of breast milk, positioning/latch techniques, tandem nursing for multiples, maintaining healthy milk supply, prevention/treatment of sore nipples, prevention/treatment of engorgement, use of pump and milk storage, weaning and going back to work, referrals to other resources as necessary.
Breastfeeding support included with postpartum services. As a Breastfeeding Counselor I cannot give medical advice or treatment.
Infant Massage Education
- Information on benefits of massage for infant and parent, massage for special conditions - colic, constipation, teething and prematurity, complete infant massage instruction demonstrating on doll while parent performs massage on infant, additional massage resources provided.
Newborn Consultation
- Consultation addressing sleep training, nutrition (introduction to solid foods) and any other questions related to newborn care and development.
Homecoming Package
- For those parents who have support but are looking for a little reassurance and guidance in the first couple weeks. Package includes 3 hours in home support for 2 days, phone and email support.
Telephone Consultation
Telephone consultation for information regarding basic newborn care, breast and bottle-feeding. It will be up to my discretion whether your problem can be addressed by phone or a home visit is necessary. Please complete the Consent Form below and email it back to me.
Fee: $50 for up to one hour payable by PayPal or check
*Additional fees for travel, tolls, and parking may apply
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 215-962-1862
Serving PA (Bucks/Montgomery Counties) and NJ (Mercer/Hunterdon Counties) since 1996
Copyright © 2010 Theresa Wrublesky Doula Services. All Rights Reserved.